Hey guys! I am back. And today I am going to tell you about some forgotten Abs exercises that will give you a killer core.
1. Stability ball rollouts
This is an excellent exercise for your overall core. When you think core you make things Abs but you have to remember it means lower back as well. This is a great exercise for those with lower back issues because it is going to strengthen everything. What you are going to do is get on a plank position. You are going to rest your forearms in the suitability ball. You are going to push the ball away from you then pull it back. This exercise is going to help you build. That solid core.
2. Spiderman plank
You are going to get into plank position. You are going to have your firearms rested and feet about shoulder width apart. You are going to bring one knee up to the outside shoulder. And then alternate the other knee. What is extra special about Spiderman plank is that you are going to be taking your knee to your outer shoulder and in the process you are going to be creating quite a bit of instability. That is going to put extra tension on the core and make it bigger, stronger and buffer.
3. Pike plank
You are going I start in plank position. And being those hips ups as high as you can while keeping the back straight. You should avoid rounding the back while performing this exercise. Keep that core right throughout the duration. Hold for a second at top position and go back down. This is an excellent exercise for core strength which is just like the last two exercise. It is also going to help out with hip mobility and stability. Get out there and perform the plank pikes. You are going to look like a cat in heat but who cares? It is a very good exercise.
4. Medicine ball wood chops
To do this exercise keep your feet shoulders width apart and kelp your hips straight and centered during the duration of this exercise. The are not going to be twisting. What will be twisting is the waist. So imagine you are going to be drawing and invisible axe. You are going to take your arms over your head as straight as possible. Then cut through the air to the other side of the body. Then take it back up and do the exact same thing in the opposite direction.