I am back with some more forgotten exercises. And this time we are going to be focusing on legs. So are you ready to throw those legs for the loop? Well let's get started on those forgotten exercises.
1. Sissy squats
This is an excellent alternative to the leg extension machine. If you do not have one available, go ahead and give this exercise a shot. It is an excellent weight isolation quadriceps. I'm order to per from this exercise what you want to do is grab in to something stable. Then lean back and come up on your toes keep your body straight with your legs. For those who experience knee issues, you might want to stay away from this exercise.
2. Manual hamstring curls
This isolating hamstring exercise is one of the best, if not the best, exercise for isolating those hamstrings. And it is very easy to perform as well. You can either do it with a machine with a partner holding your legs or with a barbell. To perform this exercise you will have to put your feet under the barbell and slowly bring yourself to the ground face first. When your hamstrings can not support you any further, go ahead and get into pushup position and push yourself back into the starting position. Keep your body rigid while performing this exercise and really focus on the negative portion of the rep. Concentrate on not pushing your hips back too far because that is really going to relive a lot of tension in those hamstrings.
3. Barbell back squats
Go to any commercial gym and you are more than likely to find a squad machine. If you do not have a squad machine replace it with barbell. This is a forgotten exercise but it has not lost any of its luster. Do how to perform this exercise? Think of this one like a reversed dread lift. So the barbell is going to be behind you and starting the ground level. Go ahead and get into position keep you body vertical as possible and rep it out. This one is really going to be focusing on those quads so get ready to feel that burn.
4. Zercher squats
Unique name and definitely a unique exercise. You are going to be holding the barbell in the crooked of the elbow like you are cradling a baby. You are going to be taking those legs and Turing then from twigs to tree trunks. Performing this exercise is a lot like your traditional squat except for the fact that it is going to be front loaded and it is going to be rested in the crook of your elbows. So keep the weight light as it can provide discomfort. This is. Great exercise for those with lower back pain as you are going to be keeping your both vertical throughout the exercise and from the fact that it is front loaded.