Monday, December 7, 2015

Teenage Bodybuilding - How to build massive Legs

The legs are the biggest muscle groups located on your body. But unfortunately it is the most under utilized muscle group in the body. Most people step in the gym and are very wary about working legs because its hard. But hard work pays off because you don't want those chicken legs right? So do not skip legs day. Here are some exercises that will help build massive legs.

Exercise 1: Squats.
The number one and most important exercise you can do for legs is going to be the squats. In this exercise we are actually going to be doing the deep squats. Now there are different versions of squats there are sallow and deep. Deep is actually going to utilize the entire leg, The quads, the hamstring and the gluteus maximus. When you take your legs, pass parallel to the floor and bring it down, the gluteus are actually going to have to push you with more force back up to extend the legs all the way to the top position.

Exercise 2: Front Squats.
This is a terrific exercise to work the quads. What we are going to be doing is instead of a rear loaded squat we are going to put the weight right below the neck with arms crossed. And do exact same as you come down on a normal squat. This causes the quads to work harder than the hamstrings and require extra core strength to stand up than the normal squats. Front squats challenge lower back to remain upright.

Exercise 3: Sissy Squats
Why are they named this? Well after you are done, you will be crying like a sissy. An excellent exercise for the squats. They are basically a manual leg extension exercise. You can do it with just body weight or you can put 25 pounds or 45 pounds weight on your chest to do this exercise. This exercise has been about since the 1960s. This exercise will help develop your balance and even your core strength.

Exercise 4: Romanian Deadlifts.
Its is a very similar exercise to a straight legged deadlifts but with a few key changes. This exercise is to help isolate the hamstring development. Throughout lift, keep arms and back straight and chest high. Wider grip allows for slightly fuller range of motion I suggest that you begin at top of motion with knees slightly bent. Barbell should be lowered while knees are bend only enough to create stretch reflect through hamstrings just before barbell reaches floor with low back kept straight. Then move upward.