Hey guys and girls! I am back with another blog. Lot of people asked me how I got this massive front shield aka the chest. Helmur Reiner from Germany asked me this question 'I have been working out a lot and doing a lot of pushups. But I can't seem to build bigger chest'. So today I am going to tell you three easy tips for building Chest fast.
Tip No. 1:
My first tip is going to be packing those shoulders nice and tight that way you are going to help isolate that chest more. Now I said isolate not meaning that this is an isolation exercise because it is going to be compound. But you are going to help work on that chest and help work on that chest by pulling those shoulders back and keeping them nice and tight. That way the chest is doing most of the work. So what you want to do is lie on that bench and you are going to pull those shoulders back. All you have to do is really shrug those shoulders to squeeze those traps. When you get that bar up the chest is going to be arched up so that way the chest is nice and high. Bring it down nice and slow keeping those shoulders back and then press. So you get that nice contraction in the chest rather than walling the shoulders forward, pressing with those front delts. The chest is deactivated then and it is not getting the full benefit of the exercise. So what you want to do is really push those shoulders back, its going to really bring the chest forward and get more push out of that chest.
Tip No. 2
Time under tension.
What happens is that sometimes when you complete a range of motion in certain exercise, when you reach the top, it's actually going to deactivate the muscle because there is not much tension in the muscle anymore because its going through any kind of motion or contraction. So what you want to do is stop just before the muscle stops working and come back down to the stretch position.
Tip No. 3
Importance of the triceps.
So what happens is that in any kind of pressing motion, the triceps is the secondary muscle group. So if you are hitting that bench press really hard and you are tying to go up in weight to build that strength and you hit that plateau. It might not be your chest, it might be your triceps. So what you want to do is try to isolate hose triceps build some size and strength on those. Because that is going to help you even more of a bench press and even more of the chest as you can do more pushing with it and your triceps aren't going to hold you back.