Let us continue top worst form fails when doing exercise. If you missed the first part, you can go to this link Top exercises Fails Part one and Top exercises Fails Part Two.
5) Biceps curls
For such an simple exercise and an isolation exercise, there are a lot of wrong things that can happen. And if you look around in the gym, a lot of dudes will be doing it wrong as well. One of the things you will see wrong is the range of motion. They will keep their elbows bent in an ninety degree angle and just use their shoulder to bring the weight up to the top position. So you want to make sure you use the full fluctuation of the elbows to bring the weight up and all the way down to the bottom position. Squeeze the biceps at the top position and then let it down at the bottom position. And that is when you get the full benefit of this simple isolation exercise to build the biceps. Another thing you will see is momentum. You do not want momentum in any exercise. At least not in the exercise in which you are trying to isolate a muscle group. So what you want to do is get a nice good tempo as you are going through the biceps curls.
6) Push ups
Another common body weight exercise that pretty much anyone has performed or at least tried to perform in their time. but you will see a lot of time people will perform it wrong because their core is not strong enough to keep that plank position. So as they are performing the push ups, their hips are dipping down, it is putting a lot of pressure in that lower back so make sure you tighten that core and keep that nice rigid spine. A lot of people do not let that scapula retract properly as they are bringing it at the bottom position. Retract your scapula back as you are going down just like when you are performing bench press that way you get the full benefit of the exercise as you push yourself to the top position.
7) Crunches
A lot of time you see people make the mistake by trying to keep their spine straight throughout this range of motion. And a lot of time you do keep your spine straight but in this one you want to make sure you flex the spine. And flexing the spine is keeping it from being straight to flexed or bent. So that is going to really engage that core throughout the range of motion. Now range of motion is not really that big in the crunches and you want to get that nice crunch and let it down.
5) Biceps curls
For such an simple exercise and an isolation exercise, there are a lot of wrong things that can happen. And if you look around in the gym, a lot of dudes will be doing it wrong as well. One of the things you will see wrong is the range of motion. They will keep their elbows bent in an ninety degree angle and just use their shoulder to bring the weight up to the top position. So you want to make sure you use the full fluctuation of the elbows to bring the weight up and all the way down to the bottom position. Squeeze the biceps at the top position and then let it down at the bottom position. And that is when you get the full benefit of this simple isolation exercise to build the biceps. Another thing you will see is momentum. You do not want momentum in any exercise. At least not in the exercise in which you are trying to isolate a muscle group. So what you want to do is get a nice good tempo as you are going through the biceps curls.
6) Push ups
Another common body weight exercise that pretty much anyone has performed or at least tried to perform in their time. but you will see a lot of time people will perform it wrong because their core is not strong enough to keep that plank position. So as they are performing the push ups, their hips are dipping down, it is putting a lot of pressure in that lower back so make sure you tighten that core and keep that nice rigid spine. A lot of people do not let that scapula retract properly as they are bringing it at the bottom position. Retract your scapula back as you are going down just like when you are performing bench press that way you get the full benefit of the exercise as you push yourself to the top position.
7) Crunches
A lot of time you see people make the mistake by trying to keep their spine straight throughout this range of motion. And a lot of time you do keep your spine straight but in this one you want to make sure you flex the spine. And flexing the spine is keeping it from being straight to flexed or bent. So that is going to really engage that core throughout the range of motion. Now range of motion is not really that big in the crunches and you want to get that nice crunch and let it down.