If you want to build those guns, you are going to need an arsenal. And today we are going to tell you some unique biceps exercise that you may not know. Are you ready?
1. Drag curl
This is a great exercise because by taking the anterior deltoid out of the equation it futher isolates the biceps. Even more so than your standard barbell curl. What you are going to do is drag the bar along your body pushing your elbows back and you do so. And with this one, slow and control wins the arms race. So you really want to do this exercise.
2. Zottman curl
This is an excellent exercise because by flexing, pronating and super nating you are not only working the biceps but also the fire arms. What you want to focus on is the eccentric contraction in the way down. If you want big guns you should do this exercise.
3. Supine curl
Lay flat on a bench and arms below parallel and you are going to feel extra bit of stress in biceps and front delta due to the positioning of the joints. Go ahead and use lighter weights due to the position of the joints and keep your knees in very strict form throughout the exercise. Keep those shoulders back in order to help perform that while range of motion. Do this exercise for better biceps.
4. Plate pinch curl
This exercise us going to force extra activation in those forearms due to the gripping nature of this exercise. Go age ad and keep your elbows to the side and keep the motion in the elbow section. Do not shrug during the duration of the exercise.
5. Spider curls
This is going to further isolate the biceps by decreasing the load on the anterior deltoids. What you want to do in order to perform this exercise is grab an incline bench, lie in prone position, let the arms hang with the barbell and being it up to your face level before bringing it back down. Doing this exercise is going to bring you one step closer to becoming a spider dude.