Hey guys! Today i am going to be talking about some best triceps exercises that you are not doing. And funny enough, triceps can be kind of forgotten when it comes to the arms. If arms were Mario brothers, biceps would be Mario and triceps would definitely be Luigi. But do not count the triceps out because they take up 2/e of the arm and definitely pull their weight. So let's get started on the forgotten exercises.
1. Triceps extension pushups
To do this exercise we go ahead and begin by getting in the pushup position Palma will be facing down and shoulders width apart. Then bring your elbows to the floor so that your firearms are directly on the floor. And then you are going to use elbow extension in order to bring yourself back to the top position and lock out. If you want to make it even more tougher, put some weights on your back while performing this exercise.
2. Throat crushers
With name like that, you know thou are going to be in some serious business. You are going to perform this exercise by having your back laying flat on a bench. You are going to grab a barbell or easy curl bad and you are going to go ahead and bring the bar right near the throat. Do not crush it. Then bring it back to the top position locking out with that elbow extension and repeating the steps.
3. Cross bench dips
This is another best triceps body exercise. Performing this exercise is easy. Go ahead and brb two benches, support your feet one and your arms in the other. Then you are going to bring your body down so that your arms at a 90 degree angle before extending back up. To make it even better,you are going to put some weight in your lap and rip it out. This exercise snack and neck with triceps extension pushups.
4. Cross chest triceps extension
This exercise will be good if you are feeling discomfort in the typical triceps extension exercise. You will be lying on a bench facing up. You are going to take the dumbbell in one hand and being it down to the opposite side of your face. Extend the elbow and lock it at the top. Then you move obto the other arm. This is a very good variation and it is good to switch it a little bit to see if it works for you.